Cowboy Loy Pwerl

Bush Turkey Dreaming


Bush Turkey Dreaming
Bush Turkey Dreaming

Cowboy Loy Pwerl

Bush Turkey Dreaming

Lauraine Diggins Fine Art
Medium: Synthetic polymer on canvas
Size: 199x247 cm
Year: 2007
Price: $ POA

The subject matter of roving native wildlife in Aboriginal art parallels “the systematic rotational land navigation, based on seasonal availability of water and local bush foods.” This theme reverberates through the works of Cowboy Loy Pwerl (1941-), the senior custodian of Arwengerrp, the Bush Turkey Dreaming.

The painting spatially conceptualises the convergence of mythical and actual journeys of the bush turkey, as it moves across the terrain with the change of seasons, burrowing the ground in search of seeds, insects and water. The seasonal transmigration allows Cowboy the symbolic topographical depiction of the country, and iconographic indications of crossing paths and waterholes. Changing climate and mutable colours of the desert are indicated by variations of the overall colour scheme; flowering seeds and native grasses allow for the use of vibrant colours, from bright yellows and reds, to deep blues and purples.

The overall shimmering dynamic effect of Cowboy Loy Pwerl’s paintings is the result of confluence of local colours of the native local flora, and the careful observation (as well as the inherited knowledge) of the reflective spectrum properties of bush turkey’s plumage.

© Eugene Barilo von Reisberg & Lauraine Diggins Fine Art, 2008

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