Damien and Nyinkalya Marks

Our Country


Our Country
Our Country

Damien and Nyinkalya Marks

Our Country

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 117x100cm
Year: 2010
Price: $ NFS

Damien and Nyinkalya's paintings act as a teaching tool and illustrate families in their traditional country, where the environment is lush and a there is a hive of activity.

The country in this painting is Kintore, west of Mount Leibig in the Northern Territory. It shows people travelling thorough the country , moving from rockhole to rockhole, following the water. The round patterns in this work are camel tracks.

Tinkari is a place from Damien's father's country, which is a Pintupi area, West of Mount Leibig, not far from Kintore. Damien's father and great great grandfather would travel around Tinkari camping in different places.

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Tags: country | damien | desert | marks | Nyinkalya | travel | yilpi

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