Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30 x 91 cm
Year: 2009
Price: $ POA
Digging sticks being used in Karrinyara, Mt.Wedge.
A Warlpiri artist from Papunya, Daniel was born circa 1935. The sister of artist Don Tjungurrayi, who she lived with for some time at Mt Doreen near Yuendumu, she is a respected elder with great cultural knowledge and also a well-respected dancer who danced for Prince Charles when he visited Alice Springs in 2005. She lived at Papunya (the birthplace of the desert art movement) and is now based in Alice Springs, where she works through the Many Hands Art Centre, a centre for artists from diverse language groups in Alice Springs, and in particular the Hermannsburg School of water colour painters.
She is represented in the Art Gallery of New South Wales, whose Australian Art Department have written of her: “Her use of assured brushstrokes, bold colour and line infill rather than the more commonly used dotted infill gives her works a sense of movement and rhythm enlivening the composition. Daniel's gestural and energetic works are quite different from the work currently being produced by other Warlpiri artists and in their spontaneity hold similarities to the early works produced by the female artists of Papunya Tula in the 1990s.” (http://about.nsw.gov.au/collections/doc/karrinyarra-mt-wedge/)
Karrinyarra, Mt.Wedge: The ceremonial dancing women feature strongly in Emma’s painting. She uses the brush with the long flowing brushstrokes the way the women do when they paint their bodies. Emma loves colour and this painting shows how she loves to use it.
Many Hands Art Centre
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Tags: living the land
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