Ningura Naparrula

Womens Ceremony


Womens Ceremony
Womens Ceremony

Ningura Naparrula

Womens Ceremony

Code: 09041567
Medium: Acrylic on Belgian Linen
Size: 92x31cm
Year: 2009
Price: $

Depicting the use of Aboriginal iconography the painting recounts the travels of her ancestors and the rock hole site of Walyuta (south-west of Kintore) in the Western Desert in Central Australia.

The explanation of the symbols illustrated are:

  • The linear pattern represents the sand hills surrounding the area of the rock hole site
  • The roundel represents the Walyuta rock hole site

Ningura's work is characterised with the strong dynamism and bold linear design- compositions created by heavy layers of acrylic paint.

If you would like to know more about Womens Ceremony and the relationship with Aboriginal Art and culture, please read the following articles:

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