Medium: Acrylic on Linen
Size: 93 x 115 cm
Year: 2007
Price: $ 6000
To depict an image of her country of Arlparra, Angelina uses intense areas of dotting which are built up over a dark background. The changes in depth and intensity of her dotwork produce a beautiful multi-dimensional surface.
There is a great deal of confusion amongst Aboriginal art collectors surrounding the identities of Angelina Ngal(e) and Angelina Pwerl(e). They are, in fact, one and the same person. Aboriginal ‘skin’ names applied by linguists and anthropologists working with the people of the Eastern Desert have changed several times during the past 20 years. Angelina was at first known by her husband’s Alyawarr language skin name, Pwerl. However this is the equivalent to Ngal amongst the Anmatyerr language group to which she personally belongs. Read more at our Top 200 Australian Artists Angelina Ngal profile page
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Tags: AAD Gallery | angelina ngal | arlparra country | ngale | pwerle
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