Edition: 30
Medium: Dry Point printed in two colours from one plate
Size: 18 x 12.5 cm
Year: 2009
Price: $ 363
In island communities where coconut palms grow, small decorative objects are plaited from fresh leaf. They are usually created for amusement or as children’s playthings. However, on festive occasions they appear in great diversity, suspended from buildings and trees by leaf mid-ribs, as well as decorating food tables. This form of plaited decoration is commonly made throughout Oceania, and was introduced into Torres Strait by South Sea Islanders. Invariably, they are inspired by the natural environment. Hand-woven decorations are quickly made and just as soon discarded when they dry and lose their shape and vibrant colour. Permanent examples are occasionally made from cured pandanus leaf but more recently, durable and contemporary examples are being constructed from brightly coloured strapping tape.
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