Molly Napurrurla Martin

Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming)


Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming)
Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming)

Molly Napurrurla Martin

Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming)

Medium: Acrylic on linen
Size: 61x61cm
Year: 2011
Price: $ NFS

Nakamarra/Napurrurla women and Jakamarra/Jupurrurla men. The Jukurrpa is associated with a place called Jaralypari, north of Yuendumu. Lukarrara is a species of Fimbristylis, a grass that bears edible seeds in the winter-time. The seeds are traditionally ground on a large stone (‘puturlu’) with a smaller stone (‘ngalikirri’) to make flour. This flour is mixed with water (‘ngapa’) to make small seed cakes. In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa, particular sites and other elements. In paintings of this Jukurrpa large concentric circles are used to represent Jaralypari and dots surrounding these circles are often depicting the ‘ngurlu’.

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