Code: 09111954
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 85x66
Year: 2009
Price: $
The story details of this artwork written by the artist on the back of the canvas are as follows:
This story relates to our spirit ancestors, who walk among us as our guides. The circle in the centre is the main base camp for the spirit people. They walk with us always in our travels. The dots represent the ancestors, while the black dots represent us.
The four circles depicted in each corner of the artwork represent our camps we live in. Our spirit ancestors come and take our loved ones, who have passed on and take them back to the main camp (centre) with them.
If you would like to know more about the Spirit People and the relationship with Aboriginal Art and culture, please read the following articles:
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Tags: aboriginal artist | aboriginal people | aboriginal spirituality | aboriginal symbols | campsite | central australia | framing instruction of aboriginal artworks | phyllis gorey | spirit ancestors | spirit people
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