Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 107 x 222cm
Year: 2007
Price: $ NFS
'Golden Beach is a common name for a beautiful beach..............just North of Lockhart River. It got the name from its golden coloured sands............from a distance on a good clear day........it looks golden and beautiful. You can drive or walk to that beach................during very low tides. We always travel there..........even by boat and spend the day fishing off the beach.............or spend a day just at the beach. When we were kids...........my parents took me there and we used to play in the sand dunes..........and also play at low tide...........following the patterns in the sand.'
(Note: This story was recorded as the artist yarned about the paintings and gave some background to its creation. The artwork and the story are copyright and this remains the property of the artist, Rosella Namok.)
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