Medium: Archival inks on Hahnemuehle Rag
Size: 60 x 85 x 2 cm
Year: 2009
Price: $ POA
Vincent Serico who’s artistic body of work spans over forty years, regarded himself as a history painter, interpreting the whispers- from both land and people - during his life’s journey through regional, remote and rural Queensland. Many of his paintings document significant events in his life or previous generations as Indigenous people struggled with cultural and lifestyle changes.
The 22 selected images in this Folio guide us through diverse landscapes and experiences including: The Cherbourg years where he was grew up; the bittersweet memories of life as a stolen generation boy surviving on a mission; the melancholic longing for tribal connections; the meditation on collected traditional tales; stories of massacres and paybacks; the 19th Century pastoralist era in South West Queensland – Jiman country of his paternal grandfather; and the mountains and tropical beaches of his maternal grandmother’s country between Palm Island and Cooktown in the Far North. Vincent derived much inspiration for depicting both the ‘grand landscape’ such as that of Arcadia Valley, but also the Indigenous narrative buried beneath the surface, upholding a long tradition of blending oral history and with distinctive visual design.
The Print Folio contains: • 22 images A1size in a Hard Bound Cover • Limited Edition of 40 bound sets (+ 9 unbound sets) • Archival inks on Hahnemuehle rag paper (monograph stamped and signed) • Legend of 22 Image/Stories including interview notes and quotes by Vincent Serico collected between 1993 and 2007 • Introductory text by Djon Mundine • Published by FireWorks gallery with the assistance of QIAMEA (Qld. Indigenous Arts Marketing Export Agency) • Proceeds to the Estate of Vincent Serico
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