Code: 7899
Medium: Synthetic polymer on linen
Size: 120 x 210 cm
Price: $ POA
The desert transforms after rain, rapidly moving from one extreme to another. Movement is not just in growth, but largely in colour and texture of the landscape, As a traditional food gatherer, Emily’s reaction to such fertile energy launching such amazing growth is her inspiational use of colour and the light that is reflected.
Emily is celebrating the power of nature, knowing that ceremony, or Awelye has helped nature to be so abundant. Heat and moisture ripens the fruits and brings the flowers and grass seedheads to full maturity.
Thus painting was produced in anticipation of rain during the summer ceremonial season.It is a time when people are positive about the forthcoming weeks when they witness in ceremony the passage into adulthood of eligible young men and women.
The undedrlying structure of this canvas is the increase centre and undergrowth pattern of the Anooralya, finger yam. Layered above this are scattered yellow Kame seeds of the Yam flower, its leaves and other bsh species. The effect of the randomly dotted lines across the surface, picks up those rare straight lines seen in nature and often made emphatic by the play of light on the earth’s surface
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Tags: anooralya | awelye | emily kame kngwarreye | emily kngwarreye | emily kngwarreye and her legacy | exhibition | finger yam | utopia | yam flower
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