Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Yam Dreaming 1996


Yam Dreaming 1996
Yam Dreaming 1996

Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Yam Dreaming 1996

Code: #7892
Medium: Synthetic polymer on linen
Size: 60.5 x 46.5 cm
Year: 1996
Price: $ POA

The Yam plant is one of the most important types of Bush Tucker to be found,The root system of this plant is a complex mass of roots that stretch a long way underground . At ground level the yam exhibits bright green leaves with yellow flowers and its branches cover a great deal of surface area.The yam is most abundant after a fall of rain when the root system really develops.
A few months after rainfall the plant surface will die off and it takes certain skills by the Aboriginal women to look for signs that will indicate where the roots will be located,
In the Yam Dreaming the artist is paying homage to the spirit of the yam plant so that it regenerates year after year to feed the people.

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