Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Kame Colour


Kame Colour
Kame Colour

Emily Kame Kngwarreye

Kame Colour

Code: 7893
Medium: Synthetic polymer on linen
Size: 151 x 91 cm
Price: $ POA

These abandoned gestural strokes are energetic, focusing on the fertile anticipation of a good season of bush tucker in the desert.The composition of line and colour is very pacey, with the palette repesenting the colours of ripening fruits and flowers.This flower Kame changes in colour with the age of the plant, the constituents of the soil and the season.

Awelye the ceremonial expression, releases the spiritual power that nurtures fertility and hardiness. The belief that good seasons always return, that the yam ‘always comes back’, is fundamental to understanding the desert environment, and therefore survival.

A parallel layer of expression runs with the fundamental understanding of awelye that being of basic human nature, understanding it, and abiding by the rules set down by society in order that it too, will survive.

‘the emu he likes that kame a liitle bit,Thats all. The flower is mainly white,sometimes a litlle bit yellow,pink yoo.That’s right,it changes colour a bit”. It is clear that Emily was a strong holder of the law and a personification of the Altyerre (identity) for the Yam. She is informing us about the country,exploring mental images of a spectacular harvest and sharing with us someting of herself -kame ,yam seed and flower.

Of My Country:Emily Kame Kngwarreye.The Applied Chemicals Collection, Bendigo Art Gallery May 1999 and touring various venues throughout Victoria and New South Wales June 1999-April 2000

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